10% OFF MAY 5 to13th
- Lymph vessels carry 75% of the waste rejected by our cells. Our lymph nodes collect cell and environmental toxins but if they are full, they cannot do their other job which is to make infection fighting lymphocytes as part of your immune system.
- Lymphatic massage DECREASES water retention, cellulite, exhaustion, stretch marks, swelling, inflammation, pain and INCEASES blood flow circulation and energy.
- When the bod stores too much fat, the fatty cells become large, constricting blood and lymph vessels. Common in thighs and buttock areas.
- Lymphoid organs produce infection fighting, immune boosting lymphocytes and they are the bone marrow, thymus, spleen (the largest lymph organ, adenoids, tonsils, lymph nodes, MALT mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (Peyer’s patches in the small intestine- maintain immune homeostasis in the body and small intestine.
- The lymphatic system helps with the digestion and absorption of fats when working properly.